Fasting the six of Shawwal " صيام الست من شوال "
Abu Ayub Alansari -RAA- narrated that the
prophet -peace
be upon
him- said :
( whoever
fasts during the month of Ramadan and then
it with six days of Shawwal will be" rewarded " as if he fasted the
entire year) Related by Muslim.
A year = age = 12 months
Ramadan fasting = 10 months
Six of Shawwal = 2 months
And it was explained in Thwban's Hadeeth -RAA- that the prophet - peace be upon him- said:
"Ramadan fasting is ten months, fasting six days is two months, and that's a year. Its means fasting Ramadan and six days after"
Narrated by Imam Ahmed and Alnesa'e , Ibn Habban in his Saheeh . And corrected by Abu Hatim Al-razi
The Gardens of the Righteous
Imam Al-Nawawi
Print/ Alrashed Library
Sec. Fasting the six of Shawwal is preferred
Monahl Alhessan fe Siyam Ramadan
Abdelaziz Salman
Sec. The days that are Sunnah or unlikely to fast in
A year = age = 12 months
Ramadan fasting = 10 months
Six of Shawwal = 2 months
And it was explained in Thwban's Hadeeth -RAA- that the prophet - peace be upon him- said:
"Ramadan fasting is ten months, fasting six days is two months, and that's a year. Its means fasting Ramadan and six days after"
Narrated by Imam Ahmed and Alnesa'e , Ibn Habban in his Saheeh . And corrected by Abu Hatim Al-razi
The Gardens of the Righteous
Imam Al-Nawawi
Print/ Alrashed Library
Sec. Fasting the six of Shawwal is preferred
Monahl Alhessan fe Siyam Ramadan
Abdelaziz Salman
Sec. The days that are Sunnah or unlikely to fast in
صيام الست من شوال
عن أبي أيوب رضي الله عنه
قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :
" من صام رمضان ثم
أتبعه ستاً من شوال كان كصيام الدهر " رواه مسلم .
السنة = الدهر = 12
شهر .
صيام رمضان = 10 أشهر .
صيام 6 من شوال = شهرين .
وقد جاء ذلك مفسراً من
حديث ثوبان رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال : ( صيام رمضان بعشرة أشهر
وصيام ستة أيام بشهرين فذلك صيام السنة ، يعني صيام رمضان وستة أيام بعده ) أخرجه الإمام أحمد
والنسائي وهذا لفظه . وخرجه ابن حبان في صحيحه . وصححه أبو حاتم الرازي . انتهى .
الشاهد :
طُوبى للصائمين .
المراجع :
رياض الصالحين ، الإمام
النووي رحمه الله ، ط / مكتبة الرشد " 333 " ، باب : استحباب صوم ستة
أيام من شوال .
المناهل الحسان في دروس
رمضان ، عبد العزيز بن محمد السلمان رحمه الله ، " 258 " فصل : في
الأيام التي يسن أو يكره صيامها .
إرسال تعليق